I sleep under a furnace on a bed of rusty nails with bricks for a pillow. Is it any wonder that I'm a light sleeper?
January 15, 2010
Whew! It seems I am at a low ebb as far as inspiration goes. So sorry, little blog. I never meant to neglect you to death. Sigh. Well at least this is something nice to look at. Perhaps I'll start trickling out new posts in this new year, perhaps not. We'll just have to wait and see...
I'm Mr. Krotpong. This is my blog. I post what I like, when I like. I take most of these pictures. I write many dorky things. Don't hold it against me. I'm a nice person.
Hey! I post music sometimes. If you are a member of one of the bands featured and would like a link taken down, just send me an email and it will be done. Thanks for playing!