January 2, 2009

Jackalopes Kill by Night!!

Fearsome nightcreeping jackalope, your unholy craving for hot human blood is both terrifying and revolting. Please stay away. Love, Krotpong


Anonymous said...

Kill by night... And cuddle by day? He's so fluffy I just want to use him for a pillow. I'm sure I could spare a pint or so... He couldn't eat that much, could he?

Mr. Krotpong said...

The bloodthirst of the jackalope is legendary. Cuddle? Maybe. It would be the last cuddling ever, but... maybe. Don't forget about the face eating! Be CAREFUL.

Anonymous said...

Ah! I had forgotten about the face eating! Thank heavens that I caught your warning before I snuggled in for that untimely final cuddle. I thought I might have blood to spare, but I'm afraid I mightn't survive the lack of a face. I owe you one, brother.

Roone said...

Jason owns the Jackalope. He would love this pic.


Mr. Krotpong said...

I spotted this Jackalope on South Congress, nowhere near Sixth. So many Jackalopes!